Oct 17, 1964
Dear Mom and Dad,
While I am waiting for Jim to come back from some errands I will write you a note so that I can mail it when I go grocery shopping. It seems that that is all we do lately. I cannot keep enough food in the house. I don’t know if it’s Switz. or just that they are growing up. This morning they all ate their usual bowl of cereal and then they all wanted ham and eggs too and Barbara ate two eggs. I bought a dozen eggs yesterday and I’ll have to buy more today.
Yesterday when I was putting MB’s coat on her a button came off “oh oh” I said and she said “Oh that’s ok, Wela can fix it.”
Yesterday I got a letter from Jim’s mom and one from Betty Dameris. She said the kids really had a good time over your house playing with Dad. Did you know she is expecting in May?
I wish you could send us some old copies of the Post when the Cards won the Series etc. The N.Y. Herald Tribune that we get is very good but I would love to see a home town paper. Did the Globe come out for Goldwater?
We are so anxious to get our own car as we drive this rented one only for necessary errands because of the mileage charge. Also it’s a little VW and the kids are too crowded for a long ride. There are interesting places to visit just a short distance from here and we are hoping to weather doesn’t get bad when we get the car.
Two of the present staff at work were called by Jim’s new boss from Brussels. They were hired and also another girl who had worked for PTTI earlier. I think that completes the staff. Jim said some of the people were hurt as they were not even asked to go.
I called the neighbor this morning and when I was dialing B said “Who are you calling, Wela?” When I said “No” she was very disappointed and asked why we couldn’t call you. She is a bit lonesome today as she misses her friends at the Silvahof. There are many children around here but they do not speak English.
We are hoping to rent a piano next month so that will give them something to do.
Just now B. asked me if anybody we knew would ever come to see us. I told them maybe Welo and Wela would. B. yelled “When?” then Kenny said “Mommy, remember when it was real hot. Why did we have to come to Switz.? Why can’t Daddy work in America?”
I think it is going to be a long weekend for them until they get acquainted with some children out here.
Jimmy said to tell you “The weather is good” and to tell you that he is fine. B. said to tell you to come tomorrow and Kenny said “No, tell her to come today!”
It wouldn’t be so hard to be away if we could see you on weekends once in a while. It feels like we are a million miles away. Switz. is beautiful and the people we have seen and met have been wonderful – but it just isn’t like being with your family. If you could see the spectacular view of the Alps we have from this house and when I look at them I say “Boy, I wish it was the muddy Mississippi.”
Take care of yourselves. Give our best to all the family and friends.
Jim and Dina