Return address:
D. Ryan
Silvahof Apt.Hotel
Apt. 613
Bern, Switzerland
Oct 4, 1964
Dear Mom & Dad,
Well it looks as if it will be a very nice sunny day and after lunch we will take advantage of the car and go for a ride around her. I have dinner cooking and P. taking an early nap. We didn’t get to go out last night as Teresa’s sister became ill and she was with her. Instead Pilar came up to our apt. and we played records and visited with her. She is very interesting to talk to as she can talk a mile a minute. Both girls are very young in their early twenties no more. Pili is going home for Christmas for a month she said she hasn’t been back for 1 yr. and ½ and last Christmas she spent here and never again! Of course the hotel will not give her that much time off so she will have to quit and find another job when she comes back. This morning Jim drove me to the 9:15 Mass which was the Spanish services. This group of people looked more Spanish and I think at the other Mass two Suns ago there were many Italians at the Mass. I have been surprised to see so many men at the Spanish Masses and some even go to Communion. They have the Dialague Mass and Spanish Hymns which the nuns lead and it is a beautiful Mass. At the end of Mass They all stand and sign a recessional hymn after the priest has left the altar and only 2 or 3 people left before the hymn was finished. It surprised me to see that none of the women wear hats or veils on their head to Mass. This I noticed at the English service also. When I got back Jim and B and Jimmy went to the 10:30 English Mass. We were discussing yesterday whether Kenny should go to Mass today. B said he should because you’re supposed to go when you start 1st grade. But Kenny says “Yea, but I was supposed to be in Kdg. So I don’t have to go” He didn’t go!
The leaves are beginning to turn now and it looks like it will be a beautiful fall. Wish I could enjoy it more but I am so lonesome that I am grateful that no one else feels that way. I sure am hoping it will pass because it’s an awful feeling. I am happy to be with Jim and have us all together and I really don’t miss anyone except you two. I guess it’s hard to leave parents when you wait until you’re 35 yrs old. I hope you aren’t feeling this bad but I am sure you are. Hope you are planning to make your trip soon.
We have been following the pennant race on the Armed Forces Station form Germany. I am sure everyone in St. Louis is glued to their radio. Jim’s mother wrote that Dad practically sits on the radio these last few games.
P. can really talk and yell now. She calls the others “Hey you guys” She keeps repeating this until someone answers her. Today MB was crying about something and P said “Shut up!”
Well, I bought some more post cards yesterday so I might as well get started on them while dinner is cooking. B is feeling good but her throat is still inflamed and her tonsil is enlarged. Tomorrow I will take her to the Doctor.
Give my regards and love to all the family and friends.
Take care of yourselves,
Jim and Dina
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