Return address:
D. Ryan
Silvahof Apt.Hotel
Apt. 613
Bern, Switzerland
Oct 8, 1964
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well last night the son of the owner of the house called. I thought oh oh here it comes. I knew it was too good to be true. He came to see Jim today at work. He is a Univ. student and he came up from Interlaken a town about two hrs. away by train. He left at 6 AM. this morning on his bike but it was raining so hard he gave up (I’ve got a drawer full of ball point pens and none of them work!) To make a long story short he wanted to tell us the oven in the house isn’t working and they have been waiting 3 mo. to have someone come and fix it. He said his folks work for the United Nations and that’s why they’re away. He said they would be proud to have Am’s in their home as they like Am. very much. Sat. Jim will meet him at the house to sign the contract and we can start moving in. I hope nothing goes wrong. The boy speaks excellent English so that’s a help as we won’t need an interpreter. Today I received letters from Jim’s mom, Rosemarie Benton, Mary Ann O’Connell and Don. But still nothing from you since Oct 1st. Jim’s mom mentioned that she had received many nice long letters from you and that Dad was sending her copies of my letters. I wish you would stop writing to Mrs. Singer and write to us instead. And Dad doesn’t have to send her any more copies as I have been writing to her quite regularly. I see the Cards surprised everyone and won the first game. They are aired over Armed Forces Station and the other night we even heard the TV Tonight Show over the radio.
P. is really a character. When Jim was showering in the bathroom today she stood outside the door yelling “Daddy – I have to wash my hands!” This afternoon MB fell down and everyone laughed – MB jumped up and down crying “It isn’t funny!” Not ten minutes later P was horsing around and fell down – everyone laughed and she jumped up and down imitating MB perfectly “It isn’t funny!”
The picture I’m enclosing was in a brochure we had and P was looking through it and called this face “Wela”. Her idea of you is quite distorted but she sure remembers you. I hope you and Daddy have made an appt. to have your picture taken when he quits work.
Hoping to hear from you – love from all the children and much love from
Jim and Dina
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