Hello family,
I found a bunch of letters Mom wrote to Wela and Welo when we first moved to overseas. She wrote home practically every day. I know this is not all the letters. The batch I found range from October 2, 1964 to December 8, 1964. Maybe I will find more, but I found these most interesting. I wish I had Wela's responses.
I will start posting them as I transcribe them. Forgive the typos. Anyone who wants can look at the originals, but it takes time to read them, and the paper is delicate - so I decided this might be a better way for anyone interested to read them at their leisure. The blog is restricted to invitees only at this point so I have not redacted any names. If I type only an initial like B or P, that is how Mom wrote it. Barbara is B, Patricia is P, somehow Kenny is usually Kenny and Jimmy is usually Jimmy.
Anyway I hope you enjoy them. I know her "Darling" P. will get a big kick out of how much she was like Sam at 2 years old.
I might need some help transcribing the the Spanish writing in the letters.
Thanks Marybeth. This is a treasure. I feel my heart skipping a beat when I read these, and I'm missing the past, us, @ mom so much that I can barely breathe.
I found more letters starting September 20, 1964!
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