Nov 13, 1964
Dear Mom and Dad,
Received your letter today and the $1.00 you sent for MB. We haven’t received any pictures from Don yet but his letters seem to come in bunches and I think we will probably be getting several of them in a few days.
I’m glad the renters seem to like the house. Mr. Laux said they signed a 2 yr lease. No doubt the neighbors will approve of them as they will fit right in with that block.
I’m sorry you didn’t ask me for Mr. Tumbas name and number. We could send it to you as we are still paying him for our paint job. I know Mr. Jockenhaeffer will do a good job but I think Mr. Tumbas might have been cheaper. If you decide to paint the exterior and want to get his estimate I will send you his address and phone number.
Be sure to ask Jo Ann’s Dad what Jo Ann’s baby was – boy or girl? And give he and his wife and Jo Ann and Bill and family our best regards.
I didn’t get all my letters answered because all the Sun Post’s and magazines that Daddy sent have been arriving and I have been enjoying reading all of them.
I’m glad to hear that Beatriz and Chic are both doing well. I got a letter for Alice E. Last week. I will answer her soon.
Jimmy is getting to be quite a cartoon artist. I’ll have to find some of his drawings and send them to you.
Yesterday morning the mailman brought me a beautiful cyclamen plant from Mrs. Rushlow in Fribourg. People have sure been nice to us. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Briggen came over and tried to tell me in Dialect, French and a few words she knows in English that she wanted to help me – wash clothes, or fix my supper. I tried to tell her that Jim had done the washing and that he was going to bring home some barbecued chicken for supper. It is really funny to hear us trying to communicate. I finally listened to what I was saying and it didn’t even make sense to me.
Well Mary Beth was a very excited and happy girl this morning. She has been begging to go to school since Kenny started. She is so lonesome and asks all morning when he will get home. I finally decided to let her go since it’s for little ones too, and might give her a head start on the French. Also the Montessori method is supposed to be effective only if you start out young. Kenny was almost as excited as she and he told her “Well, Mary Beth, at school your name will be Marie.” So I guess he is picking up some French. Jim just called me from work and said MB was all thrilled when they went in and quickly changed into her slippers and sat down at the table.
P has been very good all morning and hasn’t been as pesty as I thought she’d be without MB. When MB gets home and finds that $1.00 she’ll really have a complete day of thrills.
I am feeling very good – better than I had in weeks. The Dr. sent me home with a tonic which I quickly recognized as that beef-liver-iron stuff I used to take when I was a kid. Ugh!
What is the date of Miss Edy’s party?
Love from all the kids, and
Jim and Dina
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