Oct 26, 1964
Dear Mom and Dad,
Mon is always a big fat letter day and today was no exception. We received letters from Jim’s mother, Sister Dositheus, Betty and Mary Ann – Also Jim received a letter from Roland Virkee in Lima, Peru and Ken from Manila. By a strange coincidence we all found houses within 3 weeks of being there and we are all paying exactly the same rent. However Roland said they have two servants that live in and they cost them $20 a month in Am money. No wonder those poor people are starving in those countries. We also received the bank statement from Southwest Bk. that Dad had forwarded. You know it is very funny about that! Every change we made in address Jim did by phone or letter, the dept store charges, the insurance, the various publications etc. But he wanted Southwest Bk. to get it straight so he went in person and explained just how the pay would be deposited etc and gave them our address change. They are the only ones who sent them to St. Louis. You know, Daddy, you’re right when you say the banks are all paying low wages and most of the people in them don’t even deserve that much.
P. is still true to you. This morning when she woke up – her first words were “Where’s Wela” I think when she sleeps she either dreams or just can’t get oriented when she first wakes up. Today she was sitting in her high chair when Kenny got up. He walked out to the kitchen and she said “Hello Sweetie Pie” to him. She is getting so cute and funny. The other kids really get a bang out of her. Of course MB and Kenny are still the great pals. Today they had a lot of fun exchanging clothes. They dressed themselves completely in each other’s clothes. Kenny even had on MB’s black patents and MB had on K’s big tennis shoes. When they went to bed now they had on each other PJ’s.
Well the dept store charges are coming in and did I spend the money!! Of course I’m not sorry as I only bought what was needed and I’m glad I didn’t wait until I got here. Nothing is cheaper here and the sizes are all different which would have complicated it all. Also on Sat which is when I would have to shop the stores are all jammed like Dollar Days. I know we have enough clothes to last us well into next spring and longer in coats. The only thing we will have to get is shoes for P. I think.
We should get our car tomorrow. I sure hope so.
Please tell Sr. Dositheus and St. Fortunata thanks for their prayers. I’m sure we will get good renters because of them.
Give our best to all the family and friends and esp. Alice. I think of her every day and I too wish there ws some way to lighten her pain. Some things I’ll never figure out but when it come to Alice and Toots – they are without a doubt the nicest people in the world. God help them both. Keep well and keep writing – both of you.
Jim and Dina
1 comment:
The attached letter to the bank written the year before is not directly related but I thought it was funny.
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