Dear Mom and Dad,
Well today is our littlest darling’s Day. Jim bought her a stuffed toy – a puppy. She loved it – and when the kids asked her what it’s name was she said “Lola” and she sticks to it. Where did that come from, I don’t know? It was a very mild day. Jim took the kids in to skating. Later he went with me to go grocery shopping then we went to pick up the kids at the skating rink. P. got a big kick out of watching them skate. Somehow she thought they were doing something funny.
We came home. By now the sun had come out and all the neighbors were working in their yards. At last it looks like winter is coming soon. The beautiful leaves have almost all fallen and the trees look very bare and drab. The city has certainly lost its lovely appearance – All the beautiful flower boxes of geraniums are gone too. Mr. Hurles son (our landlord’s son) came over to work in our yard. He cut back all the bushes and trimmed away the plants. They told us when we moved in we only had to take care of the plant life in the house. He said he would take care of the yard. The whole back yard is plants and vines and vegetables etc. Jim and the kids washed our VW as were ashamed to ride in it. I think we had the only dirty car in Switz. I haven’t seen a dirty car except ours since we came. After supper we had a little cake and two candles for our little darling. B gave her an envelope with a franc and a Sacred Heart Badge. P ran to show it to me “Look Mommy - a franc - for me.” And you should see her hang on to her money. P’s hair was getting very long and straggly in front so tonight Jim cut it in bangs. It is very fitting for her second birthday because it makes her look so much older and so cute and fat-faced. Right now Jimmy and Kenny are in the tub. B is reading from a book of Swiss Fairy Tales (that Jim got her) to Mary Beth.
Tomorrow if it is nice like today we hope to take a ride to
I have to answer Lola (Eggie’s Wife’s) letter. Did Norma Jean have her baby? I presume you are going to Tia Lola’s for Thanksgiving. Here the children will be off school but Jim will have to work as usual. Be sure to let me know how Miss Edy’s party went. Hope you don’t have repercussions. If the
Well must get those two out of the tub. It sounds like they are having too much fun.
Jim and Dina
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