Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, 1964

Return address:
D. Ryan
Silvahof Apt.Hotel
Apt. 613
Bern, Switzerland

Oct. 5, 1964

Dear Mom and Dad,

No doubt everyone in St. Louis is dancing in the streets today. We listened to the game last night over the Armed Forces Station and it was over around midnight. Jim ran downstairs to send two cables one to you and the other to his Dad – he was going to say “Holy Cow”. Unfortunately, the night clerk speaks French and Jim's 3 months of French didn’t get through to him – We then searched our pockets to see if we had enough change to send one over the public telephone but we didn’t. Anyway it certainly was an exciting finish and I am such a fair weather fan but I was sure happy for Gussie Busch too. Couldn’t have happened at a better time with the Bicentennial too.

Today was our lucky day we received letters from you, Jim’s mom, Don and Dad’s letter with Mrs. Herrera’s. I am going to send on her letter to Donna Lee and she can give it to you to read. In it she asks for Marino & Beatriz so be sure to greet her for Mrs. Herrera when you go see her. I sure hope she is feeling better by now. I have been thinking of her these past few days. I hope and pray Alice hears from Betty soon. It makes you wonder what’s ahead for your when you have five children.

Yesterday afternoon we took a cable car ride up the side of a small mt. near here. It was such a beautiful Sun so everyone else had the same idea. The car was crowded but one woman offered to hold Patricia and another squeezed MB in between her children. It’s too bad we can’t talk to the people. They just smile and we smile but I’m convinced they must be wonderful people. But there’s nothing as frustrating as a language barrier. The cable car ride lasts about 10 min. through the woods and alongside a farm with lambs grazing. On top of the mt. is a magnificent view of Bern. There are several restaurants, a picnic area – a train ride for children similar to the one at the zoo and playground equipment. The children enjoyed the rides and the playground. Later we were crossing the huge expanse of green green hillside and remarked to Jim that was certainly surprising that they would allow all the people and children to play on the golf course. Then Jim noticed several stationery Barbecue pits and waste baskets. So we decided that the “golf course’ was in reality the picnic area. He took some pictures of Patricia running over the fields (she had a ball). I hope they come out as beautiful as it really looked.

We had a bite of supper at the outdoor restaurant and then come down the mt. to take a short ride on the outskirts of town.

Again yesterday I was so impressed with the Swiss children. Everyone had come to play and run and yet every child was dressed like a child for his first communion – Sunday best on everyone. Of course people always look at us when we are out. At first I thought I was just self-conscious as a foreigner and imagined it. Of course they know we’re Americans by our clothes, the boys with their crew cuts and of course an American man always stands out. However the Swiss should be used to tourists – but now I think I figured out why they look at us. It’s because we have five children. I haven’t seen any family here with more than 3 children and usually it is 2 children. So big families are not the rule around here. When we got home Jim took the car back and returned with some roasted chestnuts. Somehow or other last evening for no reason the pain in my heart lifted and I felt much better. I was so glad as it was no fun to be so blue all the time with such a stone in my chest. Naturally I still wish I could see you both but at least it doesn’t hurt as much today. I hope that you aren’t feeling too badly either.

Today I took Barbara to the Doctor . He took her off the penicillin and gave her some other medicines. He was to see her in ten days to see if the tonsil goes down. She is feeling fine and doesn’t complain of anything.

Before I got her to the Doctor I stopped to talk to the principal. The 1st grade teacher has decided Kenny is not ready for 1st grade so he will go on the waiting list for kdg. Also Jimmy’s teacher has decided he should go in the lower second of 2nd grade (which used to be Kenny’s classroom) and Barbara’s teacher decided she needed more work in fundamentals of arith. So she will move to Jimmy’s classroom. I spoke to all their teachers and I am very pleased with their standards and methods. I think this is a very good move for all of them. As B’s teacher put it in her Scottish brogue “At first I wanted to see if it was the transformation. But I think if you’re going to be moving from country to country – better to get the fundamentals now.”

Kenny will still be able to attend the Religious instructions and we may try to find a Swiss or French kdg. for him.

Well I must bathe P now so I will close until tomorrow. Thanks for writing. I hope you will write again soon. Have are dept store bills come yet?

Jim and Dina

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