Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20, 1964

Fri Nov 20, 1964

Dear Mom and Dad,

Have just received your big envelope with your letter and check for $10.00 and other mail of interest and importance. Thanks! For your gift I will use P’s money to buy her a new pair of shoes for Christmas and I think I will buy myself a nice fur hat. They wear them a lot here. So far the weather has been very mild but from the looks of the coats, leotards, fur hats, gloves, etc that are in the store windows – I think a cold winter is the usual.

I’m so sorry I can’t see your appearance on Quiz a Catholic. Also that I can’t go to Miss Edy’s party. I am enclosing a little note for her. I hope you get this before Tues. I think it is a good idea to have her party around Thanksgiving. It fits the idea of the party and also people are not as rushed as at Christmas time.

I’m glad to see you are taking your time in deciding on a job. You need a change even if it is working at home. Then you will be more ready to work again. Also I know how loyal you are Dad, and once you take a job you’ll probably hesitate to quit if you think they need you. I think you should take your time deciding. Perhaps a trip to Europe will help you decide.

I finally decided the reason we haven’t heard from Don. I have been re –reading some of his letters. (I decided to save his letters – they will make a good book someday). In one he mentions that he will buy some stamps and send the letters direct from Itaici. He says this is taking a chance as the letters might be stolen for the value of the stamps. You remember that letter? I think he should go back to mailing the letters from Campinas.

Well I won’t write anymore today as I want to write Miss Edy a note and I must fix lunch. Today is ice-skating day and they all come home hungry. Kenny had us all laughing this morning. Jim and I had wondered if changing to three schools in 3 months had bothered him – Although we detected no problems. However this morning for a minute he had me worried – he said “I don’t want to go to school today – I don’t want to go back anymore.” the he said “I played with all the toys there – I want to go to a different Kdg.” I guess he thinks he should try out a new one every month! It didn’t take him very long to jump in his clothes and change his mind.

Well Goodbye for today,


Jim and Dina

1 comment:

Lucy said...

So, where are Don's letters?