Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 9, 1964

Mon, Nov 9, 1964

Dear Mom and Dad,

We received Dad’s long letter today telling of your departure ceremonies at the bank. They all sound very nice and touching. It must be funny to do something for 44 years and then suddenly stop. Your other job offers sound very intriguing, Jim can let you know more about the Sp. translating when we get to Brussels. As far as he knows in Brussels it will be his boss Mr. Nedzynski, Jim and two of the women who are now in the Bern office, and one other woman that Mr. N. has hired. So Jim will be able to tell you more after the first of the year.

I am feeling very good today. I have been enjoying the good food and rest. Today Mrs. Bell called me. She just got home from the hospital Sat. and had called at home and Jim gave her my number. I was so glad she called as I had been wondering about her auto accident for the last two weeks and she was at a hospital about 50 miles from Bern. Also since I have a private room I have a telephone right by my bed but of course no one to call. So I was thrilled when the phone rang. We talked about 45 mins comparing notes on hospitals and hearing all about her injury. S he is very nice simple person. Never gets excited – nothing bothers her, very natural. You feel as if you knew her all your life. Francisca was cleaning her apt. when she called so she got on the phone too and told me to be sure to let me know if I need her. She said she had a ½ day on Sat. and all day Sun off and would be glad to come out to help. How right Pili is when she says “Nosatros espanales – no tendremos donde caer cuando morimas pero covazanles los tenemos como catedrales.” A little later in the day Mrs. Lawrence called me. She had just heard the news from Mrs. Bell who lives in the apt. below her. She was quite put out with me because I didn’t call on her to help and told me to be sure and tell Jim to bring the little ones to her place so he could go to work. She said she would give the others their lunch too. She only has nine children of her own and is not too well herself with some kind of blood clot she has from a stroke she had several yrs ago. I thanked her anyway for offering and we had a nice chat. She told me Francisca had been telling her a long story today about some new tenants who moved in across from the Lawrences – an old man and a young woman. She said Francisca rattled away in Spanish and winked her eyes and giggled. Unfortunately, Mrs Lawrence does not understand one word of Spanish and Francisca not even “O.K.” in English. So she said to be sure and get that story and tell it to her the next time I talk to Francisca.

Yesterday we received another letter from Mr. Laux telling us he had rented the property as of Nov 5th to four elderly people – 3 sisters and a brother. They agreed to a 2 year lease and would also pay the water license. He said he thought they would be good renters and that he returned the deposit to the other man since these people were willing to rent from the 5th and the other man wanted to wait until Dec 1st. Jim and I got a big kick out of picturing these people fitting right in. They may start their own flag ceremonies. I just hope one of them is spry enough to sweep that sidewalk.

More tomorrow,

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