Thursday, November 22, 2007

November 30, 1964

Mon. Nov 30, 1964

Dear Mom and Dad,

Was so glad to get your very welcome letter today. When you say you got the pictures I presume your mean the bl. and white ones. Did you ever get the slides?

I’m glad to hear that Neva is feeling better and also about Kate’s house. That corner house is beautiful. I’m sure she will like it there very much.

I am going to write to Tia Maria this week and I will be sure to thank her for the $25.00 too.

As for needing things from there I think I have mentioned most of the things I want you to bring in the last few letters.

I wouldn’t advise you to do any shopping in St. Louis for the kids. They have everything here for children both in clothes and toys. And last Sat. when I was looking around I saw a lot of darling things – like dolls dressed in the traditional costumes and beautiful wood carved toys that would make nice remembrances for them of Switz. Also if you save some money for shopping here – it will give you something to do and a chance to see their stores here. I know the stores in St. Louis are mobbed now and buying things there will take up valuable room in your suitcase.

I’m so glad you heard from Don. I’m sure as he gets more fluent in Portuguese his letters will be less often. I told him in my last letter he needn’t write to us as long as you hear from him we will have news of him.

Miss Edy’s party sounds tremendous. I’m glad they got a good crowd again for her and that Fr. Franey could come too. With Tala doing the decorations and Mary doing the cookies how could you go wrong!

I can just picture your T.V. room. I’ll bet it looks very cozy and warm.

Today Mr. B received a letter from Wash D.C. saying that Mr. Hackney was on vacation until Dec 15th. So I guess Jim’s trip to Turkey will have to wait until after the first of the year. He can’t go without Mr. H’s ok (money). I am so glad as that means you will be here with us when he is to be gone.

His boss from Brussels wrote and wants Jim to go up there for two days next week. He will take the fast train. I think he’ll go Mon. and Tues. This will also give him a chance to see how things are in Brussels.

From your letter I assume that you are still coming alone. We’ll be so sorry that Daddy has to stay behind but then I guess we’ll look forward to his arrival and that will give us something to keep in mind. The kids ask every day when you are coming. I told Mrs. Muerick that at the same time I was so happy you are coming, I felt very sorry for you because once you are here and see us – you’ll be thinking about Daddy – and missing your sisters, friends, calling people up etc. There’s no T.V. to watch and the radio is unintelligible. The kids are darling but the same as ever and you can’t go home when they get on your nerves. She agreed and then asked about my family. Then she said “Oh, your brother is in Brazil and yours are the only grandchildren? I think she will stand it here very well.”

We’re sure counting the minutes until we see you.


Jim and Dina

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