Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 8, 1964

Nov 8, 1964

Dear Mom and Dad,

Well I wanted to see all parts of Bern but it looks as if I am seeing the same parts of Switzerland as I did in St. Louis. Sat morning Jim took the three oldest children to the skating rink. Around 11 O’Clock I went to the supermarket with MB and then to pick up the kids at 12:00 noon. As soon as I got the children I knew I had to get home fast (just the day before I had called Dr. Egger (the pediatrician I had taken B to) to recommend an obstetrician for me. I had called and made an appt. for later this month. When I got home I couldn’t get an answer from this doctor so I called Dr. Egger again. He called be back in five minutes and told me another obst, Doctor Andres would come to the hospital to exam me before his office hrs. if I went immediately. Jim got the girl across the street to babysit and when we got to the hospital the Dr. was already there. He took charge of admitting me and they took me right upstairs. By the time Jim got back with my robe and slippers I was already back in my room. I had a “mis” and the doctor cleaned me up. Boy, I never had such efficient service. No interns running in and out with a million questions about your grandmother’s maiden name etc. I guess the Swiss attack everything the way they do dust – get it out, clean it up, get it over with. The Sisters are all very nice – one of them speaks English very well. She was in London ten years. Jim had to take a note to my Spanish friend Pili. We had planned to go out to a dance with them that night.

I feel fine. When I woke up about 5PM I was so hungry as I hadn’t taken anything since breakfast. But the Sr. said I could just have some Zweibach and tea because I had anesthetic. But in the morning I would have breakfast as she said, “ A Swiss breakfast” that means hard rolls and coffee – “Not like your Am bacon and eggs.” That was breakfast all right. By lunch I was really hungry. Imagine my disappointment when the Sr. came in with a bowl of soup and a little plate of shredded lettuce. But by the time I finished eating it - another girl came in with a steaming dish of broiled chicken, mashed pototaes and carrots and then a little later another nurse’s aide came in with a custard filled cake and coffee. I had barely finished when Jim arrived with the kids (children are allowed to visit). They had fun seeing the inside of a hospital and they stayed about an hr. The Doctor came in to see me and said all was well and if I continued the same I could go home Wed. I questioned staying that long but he said “Oh yes, you have five children – you will stay until Wed.” Here everyone think 5 children is tremendous. It’s not like in St. Louis where there are so many large families.

I am feeling very good – in fact better than I had in weeks but I always feel sluggish in early pregnancy.

Our nice neighbors the Buggens offered to cook the meals for Jim but he told them he could manage. Incidentally you’ll be glad to know that they don’t give us glasses of ice water to drink here. Instead they keep bringing glasses of hot tea. I took one sip – and you know what it was good old camomille tea. Instead of the attendant going around filling up buckets of crushed ice she walks around with a thermos jug of this tea. During the night I asked the Sr. for water and she said no “Tea – Tea” and brought me another hot glassful. I must have drank a gallon of that tea since yesterday. I hope it’s good for what ails you! I tell you this because I know you have never approved of all that ice water they give you to drink.

As I say the Sisters are very sweet – just like the hospital Sisters everywhere – all with lovely smiles. I guess good teeth are a requirement for entrance. The nurses aides are also like hospital aides everywhere – frizzy little old ladies in their seventies – very skinny with dyed black or henna colored hair. There must be thousands of them in hospitals all over the world. I wonder why they always dye their hair?

Since I will be here til Wed just resting I told Jim to bring me my stationery and addresses and I guess I’ll get caught up on all my letters to be answered.

If you have time call up Jo Ann Petry Wo 2- 5998 and see what she had in Oct? I am curious to know. I heard from Mary Milligan Fri. She had a baby girl, Carolyn.

Well, by the time you get this I should be home already. Don’t worry – I am feeling good and I will be getting good rest here and some good meals too!

Be sure to write soon.


P.S. Well it is 8:30PM and I just took my sleeping pill so I better write this fast before I fall asleep. About 4:00PM this afternoon Pili and her friend Carmen came to see me. Her friend works at another hotel and doesn’t get off until 3PM so they came as soon as she got off work. Well you can be sure tell the Spaniards. They’re the first ones to visit you in the hospital. I had never met Carmen before but we were to have met her last night at our dance party. They stayed and visited with me and when they brought my dinner they told me to go ahead and eat. And when Jim got back here around 7:30PM with the kids they were still here. They are really nice. I had really begun to get lonesome before they got here as I had read the paper and after they came the hrs. just flew by. It was so nice of them to spend their whole Sun visiting. The nicest part about them is they are great talkers and full of funny stories and happenings. So the time is really happily spent. They are both going back to Spain next month but Carmen said she may win the Lottery and come to Brussels to see us. She said “Como dice mi abuela – meriendas de suenos, barrigas de fame."

More tomorrow
Love Dina

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